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Who is Responsible?

Tells of the major blame to the demise and degeneration of Macbeth.

Macbeth is a tragic play based on the rise and fall of the main character, Macbeth. Macbeth?s own greed, ignorance and gullibility led to him becoming an unstable, heartless man who would stop at nothing just to become king. Macbeth?s greed to gain more power resulted in the heartless deaths of his very own friends. Macbeth was a mentally unstable man who was so ignorant of the dangers caused by the decisions he made, and should have seen what was coming. He was gullible enough to think that nothing could harm him. It is totally clear that Macbeth?s demise is ultimately caused by no one but himself.

Macbeth is initially portrayed as a brave, valiant soldier, after news of his latest conquest. On his journey home, with fellow friend Banquo, they encounter 3 witches who greet the two with a series of prophecies. It is in this crucial scene which the real Macbeth is revealed in his true greedy form. Instead of being thankful to the witches, he wants to hear more and commands them rudely to speak which prompts their vanishing. ?Speak, I charge you? (I,2,81). Macbeth's thoughts about what he could become starts his quest for the throne, and he even starts thinking about murder. ?My thoughts, whose murder yet is but fantastical? (I,2,151). Macbeth?s greed starts to take over his mind, which causes the first of the many murders Macbeth commits. Macbeth lures the King, Duncan, to his house and brutally slays him, knowing the great trust Duncan has in him.

After the killing of Duncan, Macbeth is crowned king, but his mind starts rocketing downwards. He had already seen apparitions before he killed Duncan, and after Duncan?s death these only intensified. Macbeth becomes suspicious of Banquo, and believes he has realised his crime. This leads Macbeth to hire murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance, although Fleance escapes. When Macbeth learns that Fleance has escaped he begins to hallucinate, seeing Banquo?s ghost. This scene occurs during the banquet honouring Macbeth, the new crowned king. ?Prithee, see there! Behold! Look! Lo! How say you? Why, what care I? If thou canst nod, speak too.? (III,4,81). It is obvious that Macbeth has started to go crazy, and this is one of the key elements to his demise.

Following his hallucinations, Macbeth seeks out the three witches and demands information. When they appear, they arrive with Hecate, their leader. A series of apparitions take place, one telling Macbeth that ?none of woman born shall harm Macbeth? (IV,1,98). Macbeth?s gullibility leads him to believe that no one can harm him so there is nothing for him to worry about. He is so ignorant of the consequences of the murders he had already committed, believing that he is totally safe based on the witches apparitions. ?I will not be afraid of death and bane? (V,3,68). Macbeth?s life is falling apart from his actions, Lady Macbeth killing herself, and everyone is turning against him, yet he still believes everything will be ok. Such stupidity and ignorance added to Macbeth?s downfall and lead to his death. Even when an army had started to attack Macbeth?s castle he?s still convinced nothing can harm him. During a battle he quotes, ?But swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn, brandished by a man that?s of woman born?, (V,7,16).

Although Macbeth seems to be totally to blame for his demise, there were also other elements to his degeneration. Lady Macbeth was constantly teasing and taunting her husband, ? Are you a man?? (III,4,69). Many believe it was Lady Macbeth who drove Macbeth to kill Duncan, but it was Macbeth who had thoughts of murdering him in the first place. Lady Macbeth did not put the daggers in Macbeth?s hand, nor did she force him to do it. The bottom line is, it was Macbeth?s idea and no one forced him to make the decisions he chose to make.

It is obvious all throughout the play that Macbeth?s greed, unstable mind and ignorance all led to his demise. Macbeth?s stupidity in believing everything that he was told ultimately resulted in his death. Macbeth?s life fell apart before his very own eyes but he was too arrogant to admit that what he had done had not benefited him at all. Macbeth was a foolish man greedy for power and his quest ended in an all but sorry fate. Lady Macbeth and the witches may have helped Macbeth to his downfall, but ultimately there is no one to blame but Macbeth himself.

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