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The Classics Network is your companion to discovering the works of the world's most important thinkers. The Network provides quality information on the humanities in the form of critical essays, carefully selected and rated references to online and print material, quotes, and related resources, in a dynamic, interactive environment, which allows any user to contribute to the site.

This week's featured author pages

Thomas Carlyle (1795 - 1881) -- Scottish historian and essayist, who famously argued that history is the biography of great men

Stephen Leacock (1869 - 1944) -- Canadian writer of non-fiction works in politics and economics, as well as short stories

Michel Foucault (1926 - 1984) -- French poststructuralist philosopher, who sought to reveal power relationships in society by so-called 'archaeologies' of the past

Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533 - 1592) -- essayist whose works were influential in the development of rationalism

Anne Bronte (1820 - 1849) -- youngest of the Brontë sisters, the subject matter of her work was influenced by brother Branwell, a drug and alcohol addict.

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