
Ordered by date of birth. Order by name

Alphabetical list

Homer (0 - 0) -- unknown author to whom we attribute two influential epic poems that shaped the development of prose and poetry.

Anonymous (0 - 0) -- [<i>texts whose author is unknown are included under Anonymous</i>].

Seneca (4 - 65) -- Roman statesman, tragic poet, and Stoic philosopher; one of the leading writers in the Silver Age of Latin literature.

Ovid (43 - 17) -- Roman poet whose often frivolous verse has never ceased to be entertaining and inspiriational..

Plutarch (46 - 120) -- Greek biographer, famous for his telling of the lives of the philosophers.

Epictetus (55 - 135) -- Epictetus developed a Stoic ethics and led a life in accordance with them, professing to be indifferent to physical, societal, and psychological pain.

Livy (59 - 17) -- Roman historian, whose History traces the city from its earliest beginnings.

Horace (65 - 8) -- the finest lyric poet in Latin, Horace's works are masterpieces of the Golden Age of Rome..

Virgil (70 - 19) -- Roman poet that sang of the founding of Rome and who would go on to exert an incalculable influence on subsequent literature..

Lucretius (95 - 52) -- Roman poet who attempted to popularise Epicurean philosophy.

Gaius Julius Caesar (102 - 44) -- Roman politician and military genius, whose <i>Commentaries</i> have left us an astonishing account of his military campaigns.

Marcus T. Cicero (106 - 143) -- Roman statesman whose literary and philosophical writings have been profoundly influential.

Lucius Apuleius (125 - 200) -- 2nd-century Roman writer and philosopher.

Sextus Empiricus (200 - 200) -- sceptic philosopher, who lived during the third century BC.

Plotinus (204 - 270) -- philosopher whose writings mark the beginning of Neoplatonism.

Carneades (214 - 129) -- Greek philosopher who, following Arcesilaus, embraced scepticism.

Porphyry (232 - 305) -- Greek philosopher, student of Plotinus and Neoplatonism.

Chrysippus (280 - 207) -- important leader of the Stoic school of thought in Greece.

Philo (300 - 300) -- Alexandrian philosopher.

Pyrrho (300 - 300) -- Greek sceptic philosopher, who argued for the impossibility of knowing things in their own nature.

Diogenes Laertius (300 - 300) -- a biographer of ancient philosophers, Diogenes Laertius' works provide us with some important information about leading Greek philosophers.

Diogenes the Cynic (304 - 323) -- notorious Greek cynic philosopher.

Cleanthes (310 - 230) -- Greek stoic philosopher, who was a follower of Zeno of Citium.

Arcesilaus (315 - 240) -- Greek philosopher who championed scepticism, holding that we should suspend our beliefs and judgements.

Zeno of Citium (334 - 262) -- founder of the Hellenistic school of Stoic philosophy.

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