
Quotes about Work

All things work together for good to them that love God.

New Testament

Every man's work shall be made manifest.

New Testament

Rich in good works.

New Testament

A workman that needeth not to be ashamed.

New Testament

Renounce the Devil and all his works.

Book of Common Prayer

He had got death over with, then. He was, in a sense, lucky. Perhaps posthumous life was better than the real thing. Oh God, yes, I remember Enderby, what a man. Eater, drinker, wencher, and such exotic adventures. You could go on living without all the trouble of still being alive. Your character got blurred and mingled with those of other dead men, wittier, handsomer, themselves more vital now that they were dead. And there was one’s work, good or bad, but still a death-cheater. It wasn’t death that was the that was the trouble, of course, it was dying.

The work ends when the work ends, not before, and rarely after.

Aesthetic martyrs ought to kiss the stars, rejoice in being totally rejected, and work away like disregarded beavers.

For the day may come, some thousand years hence, when even the works of Ben Jonson will be read little, but the bright eyes of Ben Jonson will flash out here and there in a breathtaking felicity of phrase from the green Eden of God's own book that may never die.

Works which probe the semiotics or the psychology of music are not, as a rule, helpful even to musicians.

Music and literature have this in common - that the dimension they work in is time.

A work of art is traditionally characterized in terms of unity of conception and execution

I know one thing. Always do your homework, sunshine.

This musing and this fear's work of your maiden years. Why shut longer your ears?

I work too much, and that is a terrible vice

The work has become an unlovely drug, no more

I'm not doing the real work of a real human being; I'm just stringing words together

One writes in grim earnest, only to discover that when my work is published that Burgess has done it again, another funny farce

The novelist siphons his inner life into the work he has already published; his outer life may be summed up in the image of a man at a desk

There was the work, and the work had to be done

Literature may be defined as words working very hard

He went down and waited, willing death, which was not long, for when a man's work is done there is only death

I've run out of hope. Also rhymes. To work. I hear steel heels and the crack of a whip

If it be work that is wanted, then we had best get back to work

A man must work where the work is

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