
Quotes about Truth

Truth is the highest thing that man may keep.

Geoffrey Chaucer

If all the world and love were young,
And truth in every shepherd's tongue,
These pretty pleasures might me move
To live with thee, and be thy love.

Sir Walter Raleigh

Go, Soul, the body's guest,
Upon a thankless arrant:
Fear not to touch the best,
The truth shall be thy warrant:
Go, since I needs must die,
And give the world the lie.

Sir Walter Raleigh

Like one
Who having into truth, by telling of it,
Made such a sinner of his memory,
To credit his own lie.

William Shakespeare

Truth hath a quiet breast.

William Shakespeare

While you live, tell truth and shame the devil!

William Shakespeare

Love thyself last: cherish those hearts that hate thee;
Corruption wins not more than honesty.
Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace,
To silence envious tongues. Be just, and fear not:
Let all the ends thou aim'st at be thy country's,
Thy God's, and truth's; then if thou fall'st, O Cromwell,
Thou fall'st a blessed martyr!

William Shakespeare

And oftentimes, to win us to our harm,
The instruments of darkness tell us truths,
Win us with honest trifles, to betray's
In deepest consequence.

William Shakespeare

Two truths are told,
As happy prologues to the swelling act
Of the imperial theme.

William Shakespeare

I pull in resolution, and begin
To doubt the equivocation of the fiend
That lies like truth: "Fear not, till Birnam wood
Do come to Dunsinane."

William Shakespeare

Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.

William Shakespeare

And simple truth miscall'd simplicity,
And captive good attending captain ill.

William Shakespeare

Truth is truth
To the end of reckoning.

William Shakespeare

O, what authority and show of truth
Can cunning sin cover itself withal!

William Shakespeare

Truth will come to sight; murder cannot be hid long.

William Shakespeare

The seeming truth which cunning times put on
To entrap the wisest.

William Shakespeare

No pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage-ground of truth.

Francis Bacon

How happy is he born or taught,
That serveth not another's will;
Whose armour is his honest thought,
And simple truth his utmost skill!

Sir Henry Wotton

For truth is precious and divine,--
Too rich a pearl for carnal swine.

Samuel Butler

Too rashly charged the troops of error, and remain as trophies unto the enemies of truth.

Sir Thomas Browne

Ev'n them who kept thy truth so pure of old,
When all our fathers worshipp'd stocks and stones.

John Milton

Truth is as impossible to be soiled by any outward touch as the sunbeam.

John Milton

Beholding the bright countenance of truth in the quiet and still air of delightful studies.

John Milton

Though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do ingloriously, by licensing and prohibiting, to misdoubt her strength. Let her and Falsehood grapple: who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?

John Milton

By this time, like one who had set out on his way by night, and travelled through a region of smooth or idle dreams, our history now arrives on the confines, where daylight and truth meet us with a clear dawn, representing to our view, though at a far distance, true colours and shapes.

John Milton

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