
Quotes about Trust

The trenchant blade Toledo trusty. For want of fighting was grown rusty, And ate into itself for lack Of somebody to hew and hack.

Samuel Butler (1)

Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondarily on institutions such as courts of justice and police.

Albert Einstein

But then peace, peace! I am so mistrustful of it: so much afraid that it means a sort of weakness and giving in.

D. H. Lawrence

To persevere, trusting in what hopes he has, is courage in a man.

Napoleon Euripides

Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things and I'll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things.

Lawrence D. Bell

Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.

Ansel Adams

The most valuable things in life are not measured in monetary terms. The really important things are not houses and lands, stocks and bonds, automobiles and real estate, but friendships, trust, confidence, empathy, mercy, love and faith.

Bertrand Russell

Anyone that wants the presidency so much that he'll spend two years organizing and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office.

David Broder

A little government and a little luck are necessary in life; but only a fool trusts either of them.

P.j. O'rourke

Nobody can be trusted with unlimited power. The more power a regime has, the more likely people will be killed. This is a major reason for promoting freedom.

Rudolph Rummel

Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense?

Patrick Henry

What has poster'ty done for us, That we, lest they their rights should lose, Should trust our necks to gripe of noose?

John Trumbull

My opinion is, that power should always be distrusted, in whatever hands it is placed.

Sir William Jones

Power will intoxicate the best hearts, as wine the strongest heads. No man is wise enough, nor good enough to be trusted with unlimited power.

Charles Caleb Colton

Seize the day, put no trust in tomorrow.

Fear not, but trust in Providence, Wherever thou may'st be.

Thomas Haynes Bayly

To dream anything that you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do, that is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself, to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed.

Bernard Edmonds

Do not trust your memory; it is a net full of holes; the most beautiful prizes slip through it. - The Heart's Domain.

Georges Duhamel

One might equate growing up with a mistrust of words. A mature person trusts his eyes more than his ears. Irrationality often manifests itself in upholding the word against the evidence of the eyes.Children, savages, and true believers remember far less what they have seen than what they have heard.

Eric Hoffer

All government is a trust. Every branch of government is a trust, and immemorially acknowledged to be so.

All persons possessing any portion of power ought to be strongly and awfully impressed with an idea that they act in trust, and that they are to account for their conduct in that trust to the one great Master, Author, and Founder of society.

Edmund Burke

To execute laws is a royal office; to execute orders is not to be a king. However, a political executive magistracy, though merely such, is a great trust.

Edmund Burke

The very essence of a free government consists in considering offices as public trusts, bestowed for the good of the country, and not for the benefit of an individual or a party.

John Caldwell Calhoun

Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees; and both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people.

Henry Clay

Your every voter, as surely as your chief magistrate, under the same high sanction, though in a different sphere, exercises a public trust.

Steven Grover Cleveland

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