
Quotes about Difference

You must wear your rue with a difference. There's a daisy; I would give you some violets, but they withered.

William Shakespeare

As he said in Machiavel, omnes eodem patre nati, Adam's sons, conceived all and born in sin, etc. "We are by nature all as one, all alike, if you see us naked; let us wear theirs and they our clothes, and what is the difference?"

Robert Burton

At length the morn and cold indifference came.

Nicholas Rowe

Some say, compar'd to Bononcini,
That Mynheer Handel's but a ninny;
Others aver that he to Handel
Is scarcely fit to hold a candle.
Strange all this difference should be
'Twixt Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

John Byrom

Distinction without a difference.

Henry Fielding

Sir, I think all Christians, whether Papists or Protestants, agree in the essential articles, and that their differences are trivial, and rather political than religious.

Samuel Johnson

She lived unknown, and few could know
When Lucy ceased to be;
But she is in her grave, and oh
The difference to me!

William Wordsworth

Men are not flattered by being shown that there has been a difference of purpose between the Almighty and them.

Abraham Lincoln

The king can drink the best of wine--
So can I;
And has enough when he would dine--
So have I;
And can not order rain or shine--
Nor can I.
Then where's the difference--let me see--
Betwixt my lord the king and me?

Charles Mackay

Full of a sweet indifference.

Robert William Buchanan

Immortal gods! how much does one man excel another! What a difference there is between a wise person and a fool!


I am a man, and nothing that concerns a man do I deem a matter of indifference to me.


Many the lumps of frankincense on the same altar; one falls there early and another late, but it makes no difference.

Marcus Aurelius

Thales said there was no difference between life and death. "Why, then," said some one to him, "do not you die?" "Because," said he, "it does make no difference."

Diogenes Laërtius

If ignorance and passion are the foes of popular morality, it must be confessed that moral indifference is the malady of the cultivated classes. The modern separation of enlightenment and virtue, of thought and conscience, of the intellectual aristocracy from the honest and common crowd is the greatest danger that can threaten liberty.

Henri Frédéric Amiel

Everyone who enjoys thinks that the principal thing to the tree is the fruit, but in point of fact the principal thing to it is the seed.--Herein lies the difference between them that create and them that enjoy.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

The difference between the films and the real thing was, as I said, mainly that the real thing had its own smell and that the real thing was more genuine, with people spitting and swearing and having pimples and boils

The biggest sin, the sin that swallows up all others, is indifference to life

In Europe, we tend to see marital love as an eternity which encompasses hate and also indifference. When we promise to love we really mean that we promise to honour a contract

The difference between the so-called art novel and the popular variety is perhaps that in the first the human beings are more important than the action and in the second it is the other way about

A character in Evelyn Waugh's Put Out More Flags said that the difference between prewar and postwar life was that, prewar, if one thing went wrong the day was ruined; postwar, if one thing went right the day would be made. America is a prewar country, psychologically unprepared for one thing to go wrong.

What in God's name is the difference between a language and a dialect? I'll tell you. A language waves flags and is blown up by politicians. A dialect keeps to things, things, things, street smells and street noises, life

Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress.

Mahatma Gandhi

Love me or hate me, but spare me your indifference.

Libbie Fudim

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.

Mark Twain [Puddin'head Wilson]

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