
Quotes about Dance

We catch on to the truth and technique of expectation in those rare moments when we are stirred by an awareness of a guidance seemingly higher and greater than our own, when for a little while we are taken over by a force and an intelligence above and beyond those commonly felt. Confident and free, filled with wonder and ready acceptance, we permit ourselves to be taken over by our unquestioning self.

Marcus Bach

To me, Judo is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography, and the dancers knock each other down.

Jack Handey

What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night. No time to turn at Beauty's glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.

William Henry Davies

You've got to sing like you don't need the money, love like you'll never get hurt. You've got to dance like no one is watching. It's gotta come from the heart, if you want it to work.

Susannah Clark

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance. -Unknown.

Bugs Unknown

An essential part of true listening is the discipline of bracketing, the temporary giving up or setting aside of one's own prejudices, frames of reference and desires so as to experience as far as possible the speaker's world from the inside, step in inside his or her shoes. This unification of speaker and listener is actually and extension and enlargement of ourselves, and new knowledge is always gained from this. Moreover, since true listening involves bracketing, a setting aside of the self, it also temporarily involves a total acceptance of the other. Sensing this acceptance, the speaker will fell less and less vulnerable and more and more inclined to open up the inner recesses of his or her mind to the listener. As this happens, speaker and listener begin to appreciate each other more and more, and the duet dance of love is begun again. -M. Scott Peck.

M. Scott Peck

Draw a crazy picture,Write a nutty poem,Sing a mumble-gumble song,Whistle through your comb.Do a loony-goony dance'Cross the kitchen floor,Put something silly in the worldThat ain't been there before.

Shel Silverstein

No matter how close to yours another's steps have grown, in the end there is one dance you'll do alone.

Jackson Browne

Good luck befriend thee, Son; for at thy birth The fairy ladies danced upon the hearth.

John Milton

Wives are people who feel they don't dance enough.

W. Somerset Maugham

(Pedro:) Your silence most offends me, and to be merry best becomes you for out o' question you were born in a merry hour. (Beatrice:) No, sure, my lord, my mother cried; but then there was a star danced, and under that was I born.

William Shakespeare

We are in the process here of learning to think movement. Clowns, dancers, mimes think movement.

Source Unknown

They seldom looked happy. They passed one another without a word in the elevator, like silent shades in hell, hell-bent on their next look from a handsome stranger. Their next rush from a popper. The next song that turned their bones to jelly and left them all on the dance floor with heads back, eyes nearly closed, in the ecstasy of saints receiving the stigmata.

Andrew Holleran

Whoever is admitted or sought for, in company, upon any other account than that of his merit and manners, is never respected there, but only made use of. We will have such-a-one, for he sings prettily; we will invite such-a-one to a ball, for he dances well; we will have such-a-one at supper, for he is always joking and laughing; we will ask another because he plays deep at all games, or because he can drink a great deal. These are all vilifying distinctions, mortifying preferences, and exclude all ideas of esteem and regard. Whoever is had (as it is called) in company for the sake of any one thing singly, is singly that thing, and will never be considered in any other light; consequently never respected, let his merits be what they will.

Lord Chesterfield

Us sing and dance, make faces and give flower bouquets, trying to be loved. You ever notice that trees do everything to git attention we do, except walk? - The Color Purple, 1982.

Alice Walker

He sat among his bags, and, with a look Which hell might be ashamed of, drove the poor Away unalmed; and midst abundance died-- Sorest of evils!--died of utter want.

Robert Pollok

And bear about the mockery of woe To midnight dances and the public show.

Alexander Pope

When I was a little kid, I took tap and ballet. I've always loved to dance. I'm a rhythm machine.

Tommy Lee

I don't believe in evil, I believe only in horror. In nature there is no evil, only an abundance of horror: the plagues and the blights and the ants and the maggots.

Isak Dinesen

Opportunity dances with those who are ready on the dance floor.

H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Virtue is not the absense of vices or the avoidance of moral dangers; virtue is a vivid and separate ting, like pain or a particular smell. - Tremendous Trifles.

G. K. Chesterton

It cannot be denied that for a society which has to create scarcity to save its members from starvation, to whom abundance spells disaster, and to whom unlimited energy means unlimited power for war and destruction, there is an ominous cloud in the distance though at present it be no bigger than a man's hand.

Arthur Stanley Eddington

The essentials of poetry are rhythm, dance, and the human voice.

Earle Birney

For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

Thomas Bailey Bible

Not to go back is somewhat to advance, and men must walk, at least, before they dance.

Alexander Pope

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