
Quotes about Custom

It is the customary fate of new truths to begin as heresies and to end as superstitions.

Thomas Henry Huxley

Men will sooner surrender their rights than their customs.

Moritz Guedmann

There is nothing that strengthens a nation like reading of a nation's own history, whether that history is recorded in books or embodied in customs, institutions and monuments.

Joseph Anderson

Custom has furnished the only basis which ethics have ever had.

Joseph Wood Krutch

Custom governs the world; it is the tyrant of our feelings and our manners and rules the world with the hand of a despot.

J. Bartlett

Custom meets us at the cradle and leaves us only at the tomb.

Robert Green Ingersoll

Ancient custom has the force of law.

Legal Maxim

Take the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Have a place for everything and keep the thing somewhere else; this is not advice, it is merely custom.

Mark Twain

The custom and fashion of today will be the awkwardness and outrage of tomorrow--so arbitrary are these transient laws.

Alexander Dumas

Men commonly think according to their inclinations, speak according to their learning and imbibed opinions, but generally act according to custom.

Francis Bacon

There is no tyrant like custom, and no freedom where its edicts are not resisted.

Christian Nestell Bovee

We do everything by custom, even believe by it; our very axioms, let us boast of free-thinking as we may, are oftenest simply such beliefs as we have never heard questioned.

Thomas Carlyle

Custom is the principle magistrate of man's life.

Francis Bacon

Custom is the plague of wise men and the idol of fools.

Thomas Fuller

Do not accustom yourself to consider debt only as an inconvenience; you will find it a calamity.

Samuel Johnson

We are so accustomed to wearing a disguise before others that eventually we are unable to recognize ourselves.

Francois De La Rochefoucauld

I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things that lunatics imagine when awake.

Rene Descartes

But that our feasts In every mess have folly, and the feeders Digest it with a custom, I should blush To see you so attired, swoon, I think, To show myself a glass.

William Shakespeare

They [the English] amuse themselves sadly as in the custom of their country. [Fr., Ils s'amusaient tristement selon la contume de leur pays.]

Hon. Sir George Eulas Foster

Wicked acts are accustomed to be done with impunity for the mere desire of occupation. [Lat., Solent occupationis spe vel impune quaedam scelesta committi.]

Marcellinus Ammianus (Ammianus Marcellinus)

Observe constantly that all things take place by change, and accustom thyself to consider that the nature of the Universe loves nothing so much as to change the things which are, and to make new things like them.

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius)

Custom will reconcile people to any atrocity; and fashion will drive them to acquire any custom.

William Shakespeare

A man can become so accustomed to the thought of his own faults that he will begin to cherish them as charming little "personal characteristics."

Helen Rowland

This night I hold an old accustomed feast, Whereto I have invited many a guest, Such as I love; and you among the store, One more, most welcome, makes my number more.

William Shakespeare

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