"High characters," cries one, and he would see
Things that ne'er were, nor are, nor e'er will be.
The man that makes a character makes foes.
'T is from high life high characters are drawn;
A saint in crape is twice a saint in lawn.
Most women have no characters at all.
Note 47.May see thee now, though late, redeem thy name,
And glorify what else is damn'd to fame.
Richard Savage: Character of Foster.
My friend was of opinion that when a man of rank appeared in that character [as an author], he deserved to have his merits handsomely allowed.
Weave the warp, and weave the woof,
The winding-sheet of Edward's race.
Give ample room and verge enough
The characters of hell to trace.
Of the various executive abilities, no one excited more anxious concern than that of placing the interests of our fellow-citizens in the hands of honest men, with understanding sufficient for their stations. No duty is at the same time more difficult to fulfil. The knowledge of character possessed by a single individual is of necessity limited. To seek out the best through the whole Union, we must resort to the information which from the best of men, acting disinterestedly and with the purest motives, is sometimes incorrect.
Here is the whole set! a character dead at every word.
I leave my character behind me.
Woman's faith and woman's trust,
Write the characters in dust.
The playbill, which is said to have announced the tragedy of Hamlet, the character of the Prince of Denmark being left out.
America has furnished to the world the character of Washington. And if our American institutions had done nothing else, that alone would have entitled them to the respect of mankind.
We hardly know an instance of the strength and weakness of human nature so striking and so grotesque as the character of this haughty, vigilant, resolute, sagacious blue-stocking, half Mithridates and half Trissotin, bearing up against a world in arms, with an ounce of poison in one pocket and a quire of bad verses in the other.
The characteristic of the present age is craving credulity.
The very mudsills of society.... We call them slaves.... But I will not characterize that class at the North with that term; but you have it. It is there, it is everywhere; it is eternal.
Solitude is as needful to the imagination as society is wholesome for the character.
My pollertics, like my religion, being of an exceedin' accommodatin' character.
If there be no nobility of descent, all the more indispensable is it that there should be nobility of ascent,--a character in them that bear rule so fine and high and pure that as men come within the circle of its influence they involuntarily pay homage to that which is the one pre-eminent distinction, the royalty of virtue.
No man can climb out beyond the limitations of his own character.
Simplicity of character is no hindrance to subtlety of intellect.
The very mudsills of society.... We call them slaves.... But I will not characterize that class at the North with that term; but you have it. It is there, it is everywhere; it is eternal.
His own character is the arbiter of every one's fortune.
It is circumstance and proper measure that give an action its character, and make it either good or bad.
There is a fine circumstance connected with the character of a Cynic,--that he must be beaten like an ass, and yet when beaten must love those who beat him, as the father, as the brother of all.