
Quotes about Blind

All German cities are blind, Nurnberg alone sees with one eye.

Friedrich Nuchter

A gift blinds the wise and perverts the words of the righteous.

John Boyle O'Reilly, Bible

The heathen in his blindness Bows down to wood and stone.

Bishop Reginald Heber

Commerce has set the mark of selfishness, The signet of its all-enslaving power Upon a shining ore, and called it gold; Before whose image bow the vulgar great, The vainly rich, the miserable proud, The mob of peasants, nobles, priests, and kings, And with blind feelings reverence the power That grinds them to the dust of misery. But in the temple of their hireling hearts Gold is a living god, and rules in scorn All earthly things but virtue.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Love blinds us to faults, but hatred blinds us to virtues.

Iba Ezra

Spend in pure converse our eternal day; Think each in each, immediately wise; Learn all we lacked before; hear, know, and say What this tumultuous body now denies; And feel, who have laid our groping hands away; And see, no longer blinded by our eyes.

Rupert Brooke

No such thing as a man willing to be honest—that would be like a blind man willing to see.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

No such thing as a man willing to be honest --that would be like a blind man willing to see.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

I saw them go; one horse was blind, The tails of both hung down behind, Their shoes were on their feet.

Horace Smith and James Smith

My heart is feminine, nor can forget-- To all, except one image, madly blind; So shakes the needle, and so stands the pole, As vibrates my fond heart to my fix'd soul.

Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

But when Fate destines one to ruin it begins by blinding the eyes of his understanding.

James Baillie Fraser

The chief executive who knows his strengths and weaknesses as a leader is likely to be far more effective than the one who remains blind to them. He also is on the road to humility—that priceless attitude of openness to life that can help a manager absorb mistakes, failures, or personal shortcomings.

John Adair

It is not love that is blind, but jealousy.

Lawrence Durrell

In other men we faults may spy, And blame the mote that dims their eye; Each little speck and blemish find, To our own stronger errors blind.

John Gay

Justice discards party, friendship, kindred, and is therefore always represented as blind.

Joseph Addison

There's no dearth of kindness In the world of ours; Only in our blindness We gather thorns for flowers.

Gerald Massey

If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Matthew 15:14

A light is still a light-even though the blind man cannot see it.

Austrian Proverb

Waving away a cloud of smoke, I look up, and am blinded by a bright, whitelight. It's God. No, not Richard Stallman, or Linus Torvalds, but God. In a booming voice, He says: "THIS IS A SIGN. USE LINUX, THE FREE UNIX SYSTEM FOR THE 386."

Matt Welsh

There is probably nothing like living together for blinding people to each other.

Ivy Compton-Burnett

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

William Shakespeare

Love is not blind, it sees more not less; But because it sees more it chooses to see less. -Unknown love quote.

Unknown Love Quote

A blind person, in reality, is the only person who can truly see. They know first hand what true love is, without the use of eyes, but with the heart. And that is the truest form of love, and they harness it.

Paul Acquasanta

Love is not blind - it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less.

Julins Gordon

Had we never loved so kindly, Had we never loved so blindly, Never met - or never parted, We had never been broken-hearted.

Robert Burns "Ae Fond Kiss"

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