
Quotes - Tolstoy

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. -Tolstoy.

Robert C. Tolstoy

Commemoration of Samuel Seabury, First Anglican Bishop in North America, 1796 A Christian cannot help being free, because in the pursuit and attainment of his object, no one can either hinder or retard him.

Lyof N. Tolstoy

Error is the force that welds men together; truth is communicated to men only by deeds of truth.

Leo Tolstoy

The Kingdom of God is within you.. and all beings.

Leo Tolstoy

Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.

Leo Tolstoy

History would be wonderful thing - if it were only true.

Leo Tolstoy

Historians are like deaf people who go on answering questions that no one has asked them.

Leo Tolstoy

If we would only testify to the truth as we see it, it would turn out that there are hundreds, thousands, even millions of other people just as we are, who see the truth as we do...and are only waiting, again as we are, for someone to proclaim it. The Kingdom of God is within you.

Leo Tolstoy

If so many men, so many minds, certainly so many hearts, so many kinds of love.

Leo Tolstoy

Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal—that there is no human relationship between master and slave.

Count Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi or Tolstoy

Life consists in penetrating the unknown, and fashioning our actions in accord with the new knowledge thus acquired.

Leo Tolstoy

Historians are like deaf people who go on answering questions that no one has asked them.

Leo Tolstoy

I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives.

Leo Tolstoy

The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity. -Leo Tolstoy.

Leo Tolstoy

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