
Quotes - Pascal

Opinion is the queen of the world. [Lat., Della opinione regina del mondo.]

Blaise Pascal

He adopts the opinion of others like a monk in the Sorbonne. [Fr., Il opine du bonnet comme un moine en Sorbonne.]

Blaise Pascal

Force and not opinion is the queen of the world; but it is opinion that uses the force. [Fr., La force est la reine du monde, et non pas l'opinion; mais l'opinion est celle qui use de la force.]

Blaise Pascal

If you want people to think well of you, do not speak well of yourself.

Blaise Pascal

To ridicule philosophy is truly philosophical. [Fr., Se moquer de la philosophie c'est vraiment philosophe.]

Blaise Pascal

I have only made this letter rather long because I have not had time to make it shorter. [Fr., Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parceque je n'ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte.]

Blaise Pascal

Men never do evil so fully and so happily as when they do it for conscience's sake.

Blaise Pascal

The stream is always purer at its source. [Fr., Les choses valent toujours mieux dans leur source.]

Blaise Pascal

He who does not know his way to the sea should take a river for his guide. [Fr., Les rivieres sont des chemins qui marchant et qui portent ou l'on veut aller.]

Blaise Pascal

Rivers are roads that move and carry us whither we wish to go. [Fr., Les rivieres sont des chemins qui marchant et qui portent ou l'on veut aller.]

Blaise Pascal

Vanity is so secure in the heart of man that everyone wants to be admired: even I who write this, and you who read this.

Blaise Pascal

It is the fight alone that pleases us, not the victory.

Blaise Pascal

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