
Quotes - Parker

As society advances the standard of poverty rises.

Theodore Parker

Remorse is the pain of sin.

Theodore Parker

I know that there are things that never have been funny, and never will be. And I know that ridicule may be a shield, but it is not a weapon.

Dorothy Parker

But all's to no end, for the time will not mend Till the King enjoys his own again.

Martyn Parker

Never violate the sacredness of your individual self-respect.

Theodore Parker

Never throw mud. You may miss your mark, but you will have dirty hands.

Joseph Parker

I require only three things of a man. He must be handsome, ruthless and stupid.

Dorothy Parker

It's not the tragedies that kill us, it's the messes.

Dorothy Parker

Sorrow is tranquillity remembered in emotion.

Dorothy Parker

We are a rebellious nation. Our whole history is treason; our blood was attained before we were born; our creeds were infidelity to the mother church; our constitution treason to our fatherland.

Theodore Parker

His voice was intimate as the rustle of sheets.

Dorothy Parker

Her mind lives tidily, apart From cold and noise and pain, And bolts the door against her heart, Out wailing in the rain.

Dorothy Parker

Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.

John Parker

Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words.

Dorothy Parker

Yet, if he would, man cannot live all to this world. If not religious, he will be superstitious. IF he worship not the true God, he will have his idols.

Theodore Parker

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