
Quotes - Kipling

So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in the Soudan;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man.

Rudyard Kipling

'E's all 'ot sand an' ginger when alive
An' 'e's generally shammin' when 'e's dead.

Rudyard Kipling

A fool there was and he made his prayer
(Even as you and I)
To a rag and a bone and a hank of hair
(We called her the woman who did not care)
But the fool he called her his lady fair.

Rudyard Kipling

The tumult and the shouting dies,--
The Captains and the Kings depart,--
Still stands thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.

Rudyard Kipling

Lest we forget--lest we forget!

Rudyard Kipling

Oh the road to Mandalay
Where the flyin'-fishes play
An' the dawn comes up like thunder outer
China 'crost the Bay!

Rudyard Kipling

Ship me somewhere east of Suez, where the best is like the worst,
Where there ar'n't no Ten Commandments an' a man can raise a thirst.

Rudyard Kipling

Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat.

Rudyard Kipling

It's Tommy this an' Tommy that an' "Chuck 'im out, the brute,"
But it's "Savior of 'is country," when the guns begin to shoot.

Rudyard Kipling

Single men in barricks don't grow into plaster saints.

Rudyard Kipling

It's clever, but is it art?

Rudyard Kipling

They've taken of his buttons off an' cut his stripes away
An' they're hangin' Danny Deever in the morning.

Rudyard Kipling

But he could n't lie if you paid him and he'd starve before he stole. The Mary Gloster.

Rudyard Kipling

Take up the White Man's burden.

Rudyard Kipling

Humble because of knowledge; mighty by sacrifice.

Rudyard Kipling

Daughter am I in my mother's house;
But mistress in my own.

Rudyard Kipling

When 'Omer smote 'is blooming lyre,
He'd 'eard men sing by land an' sea;
An' what he thought 'e might require,
'E went an' took--the same as we!

Rudyard Kipling

For the colonel's lady an' Judy O'Grady,
Are sisters under their skins.

Rudyard Kipling

For to admire and for to see,
For to be'old this world so wide--
It never done no good to me
But I can't drop it if I tried.

Rudyard Kipling

An' I learned about women from 'er.

Rudyard Kipling

And a woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.

Rudyard Kipling

But that's another story.

Rudyard Kipling

When Earth's last picture is painted, and the tubes are twisted and dried,
When the oldest colours have faded, and the youngest critic has died,
We shall rest, and faith, we shall need it--lie down for an æon or two,
Till the Master of All Good Workmen shall set us to work anew!

Rudyard Kipling

And only the Master shall praise us, and only the Master shall blame;
And no one shall work for money, and no one shall work for fame;
But each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
Shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They Are!

Rudyard Kipling

[F]or unsought Love is a terrible gift.

Rudyard Kipling

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