
Quotes - Clarke

Whilst twilight's curtain spreading far,
Was pinned with a single star.

McDonald Clarke

Ha! see where the wild-blazing Grog-shop appears,
As the red waves of wretchedness swell;
How it burns on the edge of tempestuous years--
The horrible Light-house of Hell!

McDonald Clarke

There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum.

Arthur C. Clarke

Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not. In either case, the idea is quite staggering.

Arthur C Clarke

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Arthur C Clarke

Never hurry. Take plenty of exercise. Always be cheerful. Take all the sleep you need. You may expect to be well.

James Freeman Clarke

Before marriage a man yearns for a woman. Afterward the "y" is silent.

W. A. Clarke

The best measure of a man's honesty isn't his income tax return. It's the zero adjust on his bathroom scale.

Arthur C. Clarke

If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible, he is almost certainly right; but if he says that it is impossible, he is very probably wrong.

Arthur C. Clarke

Energetic action on debt would make a radical difference to the prospects of many of the poorest countries in the world, at no practical cost to creditor countries.

Kenneth Clarke

I will not make fish one and flesh of another.

John Clarke

A politician thinks of the next election— a statesman, of the next generation.

James Freeman Clarke

Never hurry. Take plenty of exercise. Always be cheerful. Take all the sleep you need. You may expect to be well.

James Freeman Clarke

Home is home, though it be never so homely.

John Clarke

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Arthur C Clarke

When poverty comes in at doors, love leaps out at windows.

John Clarke

How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is clearly Ocean.

Arthur C. Clarke

You cannot explain failure any more than you can argue with success.

J. Richard Clarke

I have a fantasy where Ted Turner is elected President but refuses because he doesn't want to give up power.

Arthur C. Clarke

I don't believe in God but I'm very interested in her.

Arthur C. Clarke

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Arthur C. Clarke

We take the shortest route to the puck and arrive in ill humor.

Bobby Clarke

Fair words butter no parsnips.

John Clarke

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