
Quotes - Chaucer

The gretest clerkes ben not the wisest men.

Geoffrey Chaucer

So was hire joly whistle wel ywette.

Geoffrey Chaucer

In his owen grese I made him frie.

Geoffrey Chaucer

And for to see, and eek for to be seie.

Geoffrey Chaucer

I hold a mouses wit not worth a leke,
That hath but on hole for to sterten to.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Loke who that is most vertuous alway,
Prive and apert, and most entendeth ay
To do the gentil dedes that he can,
And take him for the gretest gentilman.

Geoffrey Chaucer

That he is gentil that doth gentil dedis.

Geoffrey Chaucer

This flour of wifly patience.

Geoffrey Chaucer

They demen gladly to the badder end.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Therefore behoveth him a ful long spone,
That shall eat with a fend.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Fie on possession,
But if a man be vertuous withal.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Truth is the highest thing that man may keep.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Full wise is he that can himselven knowe.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Mordre wol out, that see we day by day.

Geoffrey Chaucer

But all thing which that shineth as the gold
Ne is no gold, as I have herd it told.

Geoffrey Chaucer

The firste vertue, sone, if thou wilt lere,
Is to restreine and kepen wel thy tonge.

Geoffrey Chaucer

The proverbe saith that many a smale maketh a grate.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Of harmes two the lesse is for to cheese.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Right as an aspen lefe she gan to quake.

Geoffrey Chaucer

For of fortunes sharpe adversite,
The worst kind of infortune is this,--
A man that hath been in prosperite,
And it remember whan it passed is.

Geoffrey Chaucer

He helde about him alway, out of drede,
A world of folke.

Geoffrey Chaucer

One eare it heard, at the other out it went.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Eke wonder last but nine deies never in toun.

Geoffrey Chaucer

I am right sorry for your heavinesse.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Go, little booke! go, my little tragedie!

Geoffrey Chaucer

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