
Quotes - Bangs

To-day, whatever may annoy,
The word for me is Joy, just simple Joy.

John Kendrick Bangs

Whate'er there be of Sorrow
I'll put off till To-morrow,
And when To-morrow comes, why then
'T will be To-day and Joy again.

John Kendrick Bangs

For me, my craft is sailing on,
Through mists to-day, clear seas anon.
Whate'er the final harbor be
'T is good to sail upon the sea!

John Kendrick Bangs

The first mistake of Art is to assume that it's serious.

Lester Bangs

Pandemonium did not reign; it poured.

John Hendrick Bangs

Pandemonium did not reign; it poured.

John Hendrick Bangs

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