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We Never Took the Lesson - on Lord of the Flies

A response to the novel in terms of its symbolism, introducing a new reading about its humanity.

The short essay 'we never took the lesson' is basically about the symbolic values of william golding's 'lord of the flies'.it discusses the symbolism of the novel with a new and specific point of view and comes to an interesting idea about humanity.

The children of this novel are clearly victims of ambition,meanness,not thinking,not speaking and therefore turning to fighting of some people;but did they ever think about the cause of all those calamities and catastrophies around them?did they try to know the cause for their becoming homeless?NO,they never did!....if they did,they would at least prevent the duplication of such war in their smaller community.They are themselves victims of a great war and nevertheless start to form another war among themselves,they Repeat the fault,the original sin of Not thinking....they have not taken the hint they should have taken from what they have observed...as never has taken humanity....they saw the physical and spiritual waste of a war and yet repeated it...!They are far from their homes and parents,have no facilities,are not safe at all...so it can not be a good condition for them..thst cant avoid this inclination for fighting and killing!!!...or maybe man has stopped thinking,has stopped understanding and so has stopped being a humankind!!! I think this is the case...yeah thats it..and it has made us become good only under an authority,a revolver...of course Ralphs,Piggys and Simons can be found too,they stay good in any case,they are controlled by their insides and thats what makes the difference..whether you are controlled from inside or outside....its a matter of nature,inside,mind and thought.some(majority of us)desperately need authority over them but some can get along without it.but as i said the majority do not have the capacity to live so...and thats why Grown-ups are needed!...yeah,we have forgotten thinking so we will obviously turn to fighting and no hints will we ever take from the wars we have seen or been involved in..we will still prefer fighting to thinking and talking......

So many Piggys killed in the history of humanity,so many Simons murdered,so many Ralphs pursuited to death....so many glasses broken,so many conches shattered,so many islands destroyed,so many Jacks and Rogers followed and so many many beasts unfound and unknown,though being so very close to us...!!!....and this story still goes on....

Man repeats what has destroyed him through the ages...repeats and repeats and repeats....

never takes a lesson..never tries to take a lesson...

and how beautifully has Golding demonstrated this nasty history of war on some pages...how beautifully has he explored the cause of all wars emerging from the first day of creation till now...

nothing can be done about it..till we start thinking to ourselves,talking to eachother,and so there will be no need to talk in blood...maybe if man thought and talked from the first day,we would not know this ""war""word now..!

May naval officers be sent to all humanity till the day we try thinking!!!

another Jack or Ralph

somaye nouri zonoz

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