This drama can be a continuation to Oedipus by the same author. The events in the drama happen after that Oedipus blinds himself and left Thebes. His two sons have fight with each other on the throne. Polyneices was driven out, but return to attack to Thebes. In the battle each brother killed the other, and Creon their uncle, became king. Eteocles was ordered to have a perfect and glorious burial and Polyneices was ordered to be left on the battle field as a traitor. The theme of burial is a common theme in Greek literature.
Although women has a very little role in Greek drama of the time, it is one of the few dramas whose main character is a woman. However, Antigone also is mixed with some of traditional views about women of that time . The drama begins with a scene before the palace of Creon where Antigone is speaking to her sister Ismene. From the very beginning of the drama we can see the difference between two sisters. Antigone (May we call her the protagonist of the drama?) informs Ismene of the order of Creon about Polyneices and finds how in ignorance her sister is. Here Antigone is depicted an active, wise, brave and responsible person, but Ismene is a traditional woman, very passive and obedient.
In the next scene there is Creon speaking gently to the people and announcing his command. He seems very democrat and just, but as soon as he received the news of Polyneices? burial, changing his words and getting angry, he reveals his self. Another theme of the drama can be the conflict between society and tyranny. It seems that the audiences have not any sympathy with Creon. As if they are comparing him with their previous beliked king, Oedipus.
Scene II begins with captivation of Antigone .We are not given the story of her being caught. There are many other important scenes which are not described like the scene in which Antigone buries her brother.
Antionge welcomes the death like her father .She strongly believes in her deed and is ready to pay for it in any way.
In the scene which Antigone and Creon are speaking, Creon receives the importance of being the protagonist, exactly like the end of drama .At the end of drama the death of Antigone is overshadowed by regretful ness of Creon .It can be because of male- dominated ideas of the time.
Haimon is Creon?s son and Antigone?s future husband. When he comes to make Creon change his idea, there is no sign of any sort of love toward Antigone in him. His main concern is safety of the state.
When Teiresias warns Creon of the future and asks him to change his order before it becomes too late, Creon accused him of getting bribe. It can be one of his tragic flows. He is a very headstrong and selfish king. His other tragic flow can be his ignorance of divine rules and not paying attention to gods and their will in his order.
And the main theme of drama is kindly given to us in the last dialogue which is uttered by Choragos. ?There is no happiness where there is no wisdom; no wisdom but in submission to the gods. Big words are always punished, and proud men in old age learn to be wise.?