James Joyce

1882 - 1941

the most influential novelist of the 20th century

James Joyce was born in Dublin, and educated by Jesuits and at the Catholic University College, Dublin.

His early work showed a great gift for languages. He was a talented musician with a fine tenor voice, and in his writing fully explored the relationship between music and words.

He left Ireland permanently in 1912, despite the fact that he was a Irish nationalist.

Joyce's most famous work, Ulysses, was banned in Britain and America for obscenity. It is characterstic for its use of a variant of the interior monologue that became known as the 'stream of consciousness'. This technique has been very influential in the development of 20th century works in all genres. Using this technique, Joyce was able to explore in depth characters and their relationships.

The autobiographical A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man was published before Ulysses. The last 17 years of his life were occupied writing Finnegans Wake, a vast dream novel.


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Stephen Daedalus as Hamlet in Ulysses -- Parallels between Ulysses and Hamlet.

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