1828 - 1906
playwright; his works challenged the operation of his contemporary European society and revolutionised drama.
Ibsen's plays contained ideas ahead of their time. In A Doll's House, women's emancipation was championed; in Ghosts, peoples' inability to escape their past was explored and in Hedda Gabler the pressures of society on bourgeoisie women of the time are examined.
His plays were realistic, but made use of symbolism to convey their themes.
The effect society has on the characters in "Ghosts" -- In Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen, the society portrayed enforces stereotypes to such a degree that all individuality is suppressed and characters are forced to conform to stereotypes or be shunned and deemed unacceptable
Significance of Mrs. Alvingâs choices in Ghosts -- The choices made by Helena Alving, the central character of Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen define her as they reflect her personality and dispositions. She can be easily understood in terms of the choices that she makes as she abides by societal norms
Class can Cause or Complicate the Levels of Deceit. -- Year 12 Lit essay. Question: Class is a category of social organisation that often reflects a time and place. Often this issue gives a play itâs meaning. In Ghosts, by Ibsen, the levels of deceit are complicated or indeed initiated by this category.
Personal Versus Social/Political in Enemy of the People -- An analysis of the tension between the social and personal in Ibsen's 'Enemy of the People.'
The Significance of the Title in Ibsen's Ghosts -- The title of Ibsen's Ghosts is a signpost for the meaning of the text.
Nora as a Doll -- Critically examines the character of Nora in A Doll's House, arguing she is more sinned against than sinning.