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unknown author to whom we attribute two influential epic poems that shaped the development of prose and poetry

Two works are attributed to Homer, but how these stories were managed to be passed on in an age before the discovery of writing, how they evolved or even whether Homer existed are all unanswered questions.

We do know, however, that the works became the most influential in the Ancient Greek and Roman world, and that the epic poetry laid the foundations for the development of prose and poetry.

The epic poems deal with legendary events: The Iliad tells of the final year of the Trojan War between Greece and Troy. The Odyssey describes the ten year passage of the Greek hero Odysseus home from the Trojan war.

(Exact dates of birth and death unknown; approximately 9th-8th c. BC.)


"The Iliad" an Investigation of the Heroic Ethic -- A discussion of the effect of the Heroic Ethic as it manifested itself in Homer's Ancient Greek Society

Editorial Rating:

Homer's The Odyssey -- A synopsis of Homer's epic, The Odyssey

Editorial Rating:

The Role of Justice and the Banquet in The Odyssey -- Discusses the major themes of justice and hospitality in regards to the climax of the epic, the penultament battle of Odysseus and the suitors.

Editorial Rating:

Composition and Plot of the Odyssey -- A general introduction to the Odyssey, with a day-by-day plot summary, from an early translation of the text by Butcher and Lang.

Editorial Rating:

'By Their Own Hearts' Promptings': Men and Gods in Homer -- An assessment of the relationship between men and gods in Homer's Odyssey and Iliad, and an investigation of the key features of Homeric religion.

Editorial Rating:

Greek and Indic Myths: History or Fiction? -- Contemporaneous Classifications of the Iliad and the Mahabharata

Editorial Rating:

Women in the Greek Myths -- Are the Greek Myths Predominantly Patriarchal in Premise?

Editorial Rating:

Telemachus in the Odyssey -- Discusses the development of Telemachus during books I-IV of The Odyssey.

Editorial Rating:

Myths & Soothsaying in Greek Literature -- The connection between men and gods

Editorial Rating:

Myths and Soothsaying in Greek Literature -- The Role of Gods in The Odyssey and in The Iliad.

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The Odyssey and Greek Traditions -- The Odyssey as a social register and it deals with life and manners of Homer's age.

Editorial Rating:

The Odyssey as a Quest and a Test. -- The Odyssey is a quest after matrimonial blessings and a test of Odysseus' courage and endurance.

Editorial Rating:

Odysseus' Characteristics. -- Odysseus' qualities and flaws.

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The Expansiveness of The Odyssey. -- The influence of Homer's Odyssey on world literature.

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The Odyssey a Genuine Social Register. -- The Agrarian age and the Sea-faring nation and the traditions at Homer's age.

Editorial Rating:


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