William Golding

1911 - 1993

British novelist who explored the dark places in human nature, winning the Nobel Prize for literature

Golding's works deal primarily with the conflicts of the mind and instinct. All of his major works present humans as innately aggressive and sinful. Of particular note is his most famous work, The Lord of the Flies which follows murder and anarchy which descend upon a group of boys stranded on an island. As is the case in many of works including Pincher Martin, which is set at sea, the internal conflicts are fought in isolation.

Golding won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1983.


Lord of the Flies - Fables and Allegories -- The text as an allegory for its contemporary society.

Editorial Rating:

We Never Took the Lesson - on Lord of the Flies -- A response to the novel in terms of its symbolism, introducing a new reading about its humanity.

Editorial Rating:

"Perfect portrayal" -- "A look at the realistic potrayal of the boys in Golding's Lord of the Flies"

Editorial Rating:

"Lord of the Flies" -"Mans Essential Sickness" -- Reading against victorian optimism and to the horrors of the 20th century William Golding chose to express his anti-utopian views about humanity in "Lord of the Flies". Explore how Golding crafts his narrative in order to voice his philosophical view

Editorial Rating:

Regressive Instinct & Civilization in Lord of the Flies -- The essay seeks to delve into the realm of unconscious mind to bring out the relation between truth & civilization in Golding's novel.

Editorial Rating:

Ralph in "Lord of the Flies" -- Determined Ralph changes his view caused by events on the isolated island.Leslie Ann Hainke

Editorial Rating:

The Symbols of evil in Lord Of The Flies -- The complex network of symbolism in William Goldings' Lord of The Flies.

Editorial Rating:

Symbolism in Lord of the Flies -- A brief assessment of symbolism in Golding's novel.

Editorial Rating:

Lord of the Flies as a Symbolic and Allegorical Work -- An investigation of Golding's novel as allegory.

Editorial Rating:

Civilization: Masking the Face of Savagery -- An essay discussing William Golding's examination of the corruption and decay of human social order through use of allegorical references.

Editorial Rating:

The Lord of the Flies: Who took the road less traveled by after all? -- Ralph and Jack's representations of the different paths each stranded boy is forced to choose on his downward spiral to savagery and the loss of basic humanity.

Editorial Rating:


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